Cultivos no perennes
Productos y servicios
Explotación y gestión de sociedades agrícolas.
Cultivo de hortalizas, raíces y tubérculos
Otros cultivos no perennes
Cultivo de hortalizas, raíces y tubérculos
Otros cultivos no perennes
Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
Growing of other non-perennial crops
The company is an entity based in Spain that is engaged in the production and distribution of grain mill products. It started its operations in February of 2009. The registered business office of the company is located in Antas, Spain. The company is principally involved in producing flour, rice and other related grain mill products. It also offers crops, such as cereals, wheat and other related crops. The company primarily offers these products to its clients that include distributors, retailers, supermarkets, and to the general public, as well as to bakeries and other related food industry. The company has its active operations within the country.